Efficiency in providing services in the public and private healthcare system relies heavily on the ability of healthcare centers to analyze extremely large volumes of information in the shortest amount time possible and with the utmost reliability of the output.

Circular helps public and private healthcare centers to overcome this difficulty, allowing all incoming information to be processed quickly and with greater reliability and to automate internal processes to provide the highest possible level of care and treatment service.

A series of use cases has been developed to automate the processes of scanning, rendering, extraction and distribution of all documents required by patient care procedures, allowing us to make document processing more efficient in order to offer better service and achieve more user satisfaction.

Circular - Sanità
Documenti di Identità e tessere sanitarie

Identity Documents and Health Insurance Cards

The accuracy of data extraction and processing from often low-quality copies of identity documents and health insurance cards is essential for making procedures such as initiating a health record or reporting laboratory tests fluid and as quick as possible. The complexities inherent in this process differ, such as the need to reconcile parts of separate documents sent at different times.

Circular streamlines the process of compiling master data by automatically reconciling and classifying documents and then quickly extracting the data necessary for the policy management process with fast and secure transactions. In particular, Circular is able to automatically recognize and index the following identity documents:

  • Electronic Driving Licenses
  • Health Insurance Cards
  • Electronic Identity Cards
  • Paper-format Identity Cards
  • Passports
Circular - Accuratezza
Accuracy and Automation: 85 - 95%
Circular - Integrazione
Simplified integration with company management and business systems thanks to the availability of different output formats.
Circular - Disponibilità
Models already available.
Pec e Mail Gestione processi di assistenza​

Certified and Regular E-Mail Document Management

The certified e-mail channel is being increasingly used to handle communications and to exchange documents among public and private healthcare centers and private citizens. The management of documents received through these channels entails a series of important complex issues that are almost always handled by operators.

Using sophisticated semantic recognition technologies, Circular makes it possible to efficiently manage certified and regular e-mail channels, by automating the 5 phases of the process:

  • Data ingestion of certified and regular e-mail content and attachments
  • Normalization of content in PDF format
  • Automatic classification
  • Automatic indexing
  • Addressing
Circular - Accuratezza
Accuracy and Automation: 90 - 95%
Circular - Integrazione
Simplified integration with company management and business systems thanks to the availability of different output formats.
Documenti Clinici (es. FSE e CCE)​

Clinical Documents (e.g. Electronic Health or Medical Records - FSE, CCE)

An extremely large number of documents is generated during patient admission, hospitalization and discharge procedures; these are often unstructured and provided in various paper and digital formats. Processing these documents manually slows down patient care processes and significantly increases transcription errors. Circular uses sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms to quickly extract and homogenize data from all required documents ensuring the utmost reliability of the output.

Using available connectors, Circular can automatically send the data obtained to the hospital management systems.

Circular - Accuratezza
Accuracy and Automation: 80 - 90%
Circular - Integrazione
Simplified integration with company management and business systems thanks to the availability of different output formats.
Risultati esami clinici​

Clinical test results

The results of laboratory tests are frequently only provided in paper format and require complex document processing and transcription of data into documents such as medical records.

Circular makes use of sophisticated artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to automatically extract, interpret, organize and send data to hospital management systems in order to manage all patient care and treatment procedures, such as the creation of therapeutic and diagnostic progress reports.

Circular - Accuratezza
Accuracy and Automation: 80 - 90%
Circular - Integrazione
Simplified integration with company management and business systems thanks to the availability of different output formats.
Clinical Trial​

Clinical Trials

Research activities in the healthcare sector entail the processing of an extremely large amount of documents and information. Furthermore, scientific research data is often available in different analog and digital formats.

Circular makes it possible to extract, interpret and aggregate the necessary data automatically and with excellent reliability of the output in order to make the necessary data easily accessible, for example for a comparison of the results of studies on drugs and findings on specific illnesses.

Circular - Accuratezza
Accuracy and Automation: 80 - 90%
Circular - Integrazione
Simplified integration with company management and business systems thanks to the availability of different output formats.
Sondaggi servizi erogati​

User Surveys

Improving the quality of services provided entails a careful analysis of feedback from patients and from all the stakeholders in general.

Circular makes it possible to extract and interpret the data from surveys carried out using different formats in an extremely accurate manner, aggregating the output and making it immediately available for analysis by specific third-party systems.

Circular thus makes it possible to more quickly spot any critical issues in the services provided by the public or private healthcare center.

Circular - Accuratezza
Accuracy and Automation: 80 - 90%
Circular - Integrazione
Simplified integration with company management and business systems thanks to the availability of different output formats.
Rilevazione Firme e check box ​

Detection of Signatures and Check Marks

All patient admission, hospitalization and discharge procedures require checking to ensure that a signature has been placed in the space provided and that a check mark has been placed in the appropriate box on each document. Currently, these processes often entail a bottleneck because they are managed by operators. Circular speeds up validation processes by automating verification of the correct parameters and ensuring extremely accurate results.

Circular - Accuratezza
Accuracy and Automation: 90 - 95%
Circular - Integrazione
Simplified integration with company management and business systems thanks to the availability of different output formats.


Find out how Circular can help your company be more efficient in managing healthcare records.

Logo Circular Solutions | Intelligence Document Processing
Circular S.r.l. – Viale Bianca Maria, 25 – 20121 Milano – [email protected]LinkedIn - circularsolutionsai
Partita IVA 12342530966 – Capitale Sociale: 13.368 Euro i.v.
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Technology Provider:

Logo AWS Technology Provider
Circular - Azure Technology Provider
Circular - Google Technology Provider

All trademarks displayed here are the property of their respective copyright holders; Third-party brands, product names, trade names, corporate and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners or registered trademarks of other companies and belong to their legitimate owners.

Logo Circular Solutions | Intelligence Document Processing
Circular S.r.l.
Viale Bianca Maria, 25 – 20121 Milano [email protected]
Partita IVA 12342530966
Capitale Sociale: 13.368 Euro i.v.

LinkedIn - circularsolutionsai

Privacy Policy Cookie Policy

Technology Provider:

Logo AWS Technology Provider
Circular - Azure Technology Provider
Circular - Google Technology Provider

All trademarks displayed here are the property of their respective copyright holders; third-party brands, product names, trade names, corporate and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners or registered trademarks of other companies and belong to their legitimate owners.