With a view to improving the structuring and delivery of services offered to citizens, central and local government agencies have long had the need to process the information they now receive from a myriad of digital and non-digital contact points in an increasingly rapid manner. Circular helps government agencies process all incoming information faster and more reliably, making it possible for them to automate internal processes and provide faster and more relevant responses to citizens.
A series of use cases has been developed to automate the processes of scanning, rendering, extraction and distribution of all documents required by supply contracts, allowing us to make document processing more efficient in order to offer better service and achieve greater satisfaction among the public.

Identity Documents
Circular streamlines the process of compiling master data by automatically reconciling and classifying documents to then quickly extract the necessary data in order to give citizens faster answers.
In particular, Circular is able to automatically recognize and index the following identity documents:
- Electronic Driving Licenses
- Health Insurance Cards
- Electronic Identity Cards
- Paper-format Identity Cards
- Passports

Certified and Regular E-Mail Document Management
The certified e-mail channel is being increasingly used to handle communications and to exchange documents among government agencies, private citizens and businesses. The management of documents received through these channels entails a series of important complex issues that are almost always handled by operators.
Using sophisticated semantic recognition technologies, Circular makes it possible to efficiently manage certified and regular e-mail channels, by automating the 5 phases of the process:
- Data ingestion of certified and regular e-mail content and attachments
- Normalization of content in PDF format
- Automatic classification
- Automatic indexing
- Addressing

Detection of Signatures and Check Marks
Validation of a contract, form, or a consent for the processing of data, requires checking that a signature has been placed in the space provided and that a check mark has been placed in the appropriate box. Currently, these processes often entail a bottleneck because they are managed by operators. Circular speeds up validation processes by automating verification of the correct parameters and ensuring extremely accurate results.

Civil Status Certificate
The Civil Status Certificate is a document required in a great number of procedures and agreements.
Circular completely automates classification of the document and extracts part of the data required to process the auto policy premium with fast and secure transactions with extremely accurate results.

Find out how Circular can help the Government Agencies to be more efficient in document acquisition processes.